Digital X-Rays | Innovation Wellness & Health

Digital X-Rays

Radiography with X-ray is the starting point for diagnosing or screening of a variety of health issues. It’s noninvasive, relatively harmless, and quickly produces the images we need to be able to diagnose issues effectively.

Dedicated to your health and wellbeing

After the conclusion of your initial consultation, our chiropractors may advise you whether an x-ray will be taken to ensure our chiropractor understand your clinical presentation. Our chiropractor physician will write out an x-ray referral that will require visiting one of the radiologist. The process will take approximately 5-10 minutes on average and will require you to be changed into a disposable gown.

The radiographer will walk you through safety requirements and what is necessary before taking a digital x-ray.

The removal of jewellery and metal objects will be prompted, and all you need to do is relax and listen to our radiographer’s instructions to successfully complete the x-ray.

The radiographer will position your area of interest and operate the x-ray machinery with precision. It is likely that the two regions will be taken, the region of the primary complaint and a second region that might have been compromised.

Our radiographers will then digitally send the x-ray to our clinic with a written report of the findings on your x-ray, where on your next appointment, our chiropractors will walk you through the x-ray and give an in-depth analysis of the potential biomechanical dysfunction and how your symptoms connect.

Frequency Asked Questions

The process will take approximately 5-10 minutes on average.

As the x-ray will take place at a specialised radiography clinic, we will receive the x-ray digitally with a written report of the radiographers findings, where on your next appointment with us, our chiropractors will walk you through the results and give an in-depth analysis of the potential biomechanical dysfunction and how your symptoms connect.